Three Fantastic Pole Dancing Moves you Must Know

The names of pole dance tricks have not been standardized although the Pole Fitness Association has published a visual glossary of the most common or popular moves and tricks and their respective names. The experts of the pole dancing classes Castle Hill always suggest to the beginners that if they are struggling to cope up with a particular move it’s always best to ask for help from their instructor. Let’s check out some of the fabulous pole dancing moves that you can follow.

pole dancing classes Castle Hill
Pole Dancing Classes in Castle Hill

Aerial Invert- Aerial inverts are tricky. There are many ways to do an aerial invert. The simplest tends to be a basic invert from a pole sit where the harder ones know no limits.

  • Climb the pole to a pole sit
  • Place your strong, inside hand on the pole in front of you at shoulder height and place your weaker hand across your body and onto the pole above it
  • Stretch your legs up and hook over the pole as you would for a normal invert on the pole

Cross Ankle Release- The cross ankle release is considered an advanced pole trick and you should have a strong basic invert and be able to do a cross knee release first. There are so many safety precautions you need to follow while performing it.

  • Climb the pole to a pole sit
  • Using your hands for grip straighten both legs out, parallel to the floor
  • Cross your strong leg over the top of your weaker leg at the ankles and feet and grip tightly
  • When you have a good grip, take your hands off the pole
  • Lean back from the pole until you are leaning as far back as you can go
  • While upside down push your hands down to the ground and then on the pole by your head
  • Push with your arms to make them as straight as possible and to arch your back
  • At the same time move your feet lower so that your legs are as parallel to the ground as possible

Chair Spin- This move is perhaps the most challenging one that requires immense body strength and stamina. Chair Spin is considered among the most attractive and glorious pole moves. It has a bewildering influence to the spectators.

  • Place your strong, inside arm high on the pole and walk around
  • Place your weakest arm across your chest with your hand on the pole
  • Kick your outside leg out to your side, keeping it straight and without your leg touching the pole
  • Bend your knee in front of you. Hop off the ground with your inside leg, bringing it up to meet your outside leg
  • Both legs should be together, with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle
  • Hop off the group with your inside leg and bring it up to join your outside leg
  • Continue spinning until your feet naturally reach the ground while your legs are still bent, Stand up, pushing your bum up first

Make your pole dance lessons even more enjoyable by imitating these moves. Pole movements are a great way to make your body flexible and agile.

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