Know the Common Pole Injuries to Get Rid of Your Fear

Pole dancing has got massive popularity basically for two reasons, first it is an amazing way of workout, second it is an excellent form of dancing. The combination of acrobatic moves and athleticism is the major factor that people of all age group and gender accepted it. In a recent article one of the prominent Australian pole instructor has written that although the craze of pole dancing is increasing every day, still there are people who in spite of their willingness abstain from taking pole classes because of the fear of injury.

We have decided to get rid of the fear, we are explaining the probable injuries you may sustain while practicing and performing pole dancing.

Pulled Muscle

Pulled Muscle Pain

Muscle strain is one of the most common injuries pole dancers face. This is what happens when your muscle is either torn or over-stretched. Pain from a muscle strain is usually present right after the injury occurs and is sharp and the severity of pain can range from mild to severe.

Pole Burn-

Pole Burn

It can occur along with bruising, or on its own. Burns result from the heat caused by friction between your skin and the pole.

This common but painful pole dance injury often occurs on the delicate skin of the inner thigh when learning release moves that require holding onto the pole with only your legs.

Shoulder Injuries-

Shoulder Injuries

From overtraining to under conditioning to improper technique, the polled polers’ shoulders have taken quite a beating and because of this shoulder injuries are super common in pole dancing.

Wrist Pain-

Wrist Pain

Pole dancing is a very wrist intensive sport and can lead to prolonged wrist pain from any amount of time training with anything that involves wrist taxing movements and elements which is hard to avoid.To prevent wrist pain, remember to always warm up your wrists before doing any level of pole and stretch them afterwards.

It important to keep in mind that, most of the athletic movements come with a common injury, either by repetitive overuse of muscles, muscle imbalance or from some sort of repetitive strain. But they are not at all severe by any means.